Star Entertainment Group

15.06.23 09:22 AM By nigel

New Star Loyalty Club

Star Entertainment Group

Star Entertainment Group

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Client project objectives

New Media were brought in to revitalize and align the Star Entertainment Groups' loyalty program across all its destinations and develop the resorts into Australia’s premier go-to gaming destination.

Star Entertainment Group
New Loyalty Cards optimise engagement and rewards
Client solution

New Media provided the strategy to evolve their loyalty program and aligned all their resorts with the same rewards based on spend. Challenges included mitigating risk caused by aligning their rewards program that customers experienced gains in one destination by reduced rewards in others. A comprehensive programme was developed to promote and highlight all the entertainment and experiences delivered across their destinations, live via metrolites and online.

Project results

The new loyalty program helped deliver constant revenue growth of 7% year-over-year. Profits grew by 33.7% and the loyalty program managed 1,743,698 domestic and 76,927 international clients and VIP customers rose 10% to record levels. Compare this to all other global gaming resorts that experienced a 5% or bigger decline in revenue, especially VIP customers.

Star Entertainment Group
Metrolites broadcasting live entertainment streams around Sydney

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