
09.06.23 10:23 AM By nigel

Customer intelligence

Citigroup Inc. or Citi is an American multinational investment bank and financial services corporation that moves the equivalent of Germany’s GDP each day across borders, currencies and asset classes. 90% of global Fortune 500 companies are served through Citi’s institutional banking franchise.

Client project objectives

Deliver a smart, multilingual platform that would be deployed across the APAC region to engage over 100 million customers in 19 markets leveraging customer data and hyper-personalisation to deliver growth and relevant customer experiences to drive growth.

Client solution

NGM delivered a secure, Cloud solution that worked across emerging markets in the Tiger economies. Our smart multilingual solution helped identify opportunities, engage high-net-worth customers and deliver customised individual experiences that delivered growth and reduced churn.

Project results

Our new customer intelligence platform helped Citigroup bank one-third of Asia’s billionaires.

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