Delivering digital excellence and adoption

    # Digital Maturity # Innovation # Transformation # DevOps # Ai # Automation # Integration # Edge Computing # Cloud # Change management

Delivering digital excellence, governance and change

Deliver digital excellence and change through programmed capability development


We deliver business excellence by providing C-Suite with frameworks that measure governance operational excellence and culture to help your business meet regulatory requirements across GDPR, ISO, ESG and security.

Change & Adoption

Managing change and the adoption of new technology is critical to your business success. We advise C-Suite on organisational change, business transformation and how to maximise adoption of new technologies which is key to digital success.


We advise C-Suite offering advice and expertise to help you improve business performance across operations, strategy and management. Led by a team of industry experts helping build successful outcomes across global, emerging and specialist markets.


Impact of ESG on procurement & fiduciary

ESG ratings has become important when investors analyse their potential future investments. There has been a dramatic global shift in attitudes towards ESG investing considering environmental, social and governance factors when allocating capital. Over the same period, growing numbers of UK pension schemes, endowments and foundations have begun using the services of fiduciary managers, 80% use a range of ESG data to manage US$35.3 trillion of investments.

ESG is a procurement prerequisite by many enterprise businesses including the government. UK central government places a minimum weighting of 10% on ESG objectives in procurement.

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Improving compliance & productivity for Essential Energy

A customer success story

300% productivity improvement

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What makes you stand out? Why you do what you do? What is your passion? Here is where you can just let go.

This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What makes you stand out? Why you do what you do? What is your passion?

Case Study